Microwaves work by acting on water molecules. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation,

1 year ago

#Microwaves work by acting on #water #molecules. Microwaves are a form of #electromagnetic #radiation, which means they are made up of #oscillating #electric and #magneticfields. https://parkhealth.io/Microwave+radiation #Watermolecules are #polar, which means they have a #positive end and a #negative end. The #electric field of the #microwaves causes the water molecules to rotate rapidly. This rotation creates friction between the molecules, which generates heat.

Microwaves are tuned to a frequency close to the natural resonant frequency of water molecules. This means the water molecules absorb microwaves efficiently. Other #molecules, such as #fats and #sugars, can also absorb #microwaves, but not as efficiently as #water.

This is why microwaves are so #good at #heating #food that #contains #water. When you put food in the microwave, the #water #molecules start to rotate and generate heat. This heat then spreads evenly to the other molecules in the food.

It is important to note that microwaves #donot #heat #food #directly. They heat the water molecules in the food, which then heat the rest of the food. This is why it is important to add a little water to food that is very dry before microwaving it.

Microwaves are a #safe and #convenient way to #cook food, but it is important to use them properly.

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