AllatRa book: the encyclopedia of Primordial Knowledge about the world and human being

1 year ago

What is the meaning of human life? What is the Soul and how does it look like? How to attain true immortality? What happens after physical death? How to perform spiritual practice and meditation? What is the material Animal Mind? Who is the Devil, Satan and Veliar? What is Holy Grail in reality? Creative and destructive signs and symbols and their impact on people's lives. What ancient knowledge is preserved in the symbolism of Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ? What unites all religions? What unites all people? Which steps should we take in order to build a Golden Millennium society?

Encyclopedia of the Primordial Knowledge — AllatRa — the book that changes the World. It reveals the True Knowledge about the visible and invisible worlds. Gives answers about the structure of the Universe, its multidimensionality, parallel worlds, 72 dimensions of the global Universe. It gives an opportunity to perceive from a different angle well-known facts about the Past and the Present, the human being and the true purpose of his life. It tells about the importance of the Creative Society for all humanity.

Anastasia Novykh. The book AllatRa:

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