Boiler Room | Military Industrial Compliance

1 year ago

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media.

#ClownWorld marches onward as the Boiler Room sees a resurgence in 'creepy clown' stories in the media which we flagged up back in 2016 originally, what's the deal with it, whats the esoteric meaning, whats the archetype...

A massive conflict in the Gaza Strip has broken out this week, after the clowns go winding down, The Social Rejects Club takes a long hard look at the geopolitical, propaganda and media ecosystems as the world reels from the insidious polarizing war propaganda being peddled by the mass media cartel.

Featuring: Hesher, Spore, Ruckus, Jay Dyer, Infidel Pharaoh, Corey Drayton, Bazed-Lit Analyzer and GruntSmash

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