Believer - Don't Be Caught Unawares!

1 year ago

Galatians 5:25 "If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit." In ancient biblical times, Israel had prophets alerting them of what their enemies were planning. When they listened, the people remained protected. When they didn't, tragic losses ensued. As believers, we have the Holy Spirit to, according to Jesus, tell us of things to come.

This week we have seen the horrific consequences of a nation that did not know what was to come & believers must act in prayer & support of God's beloved Jewish people. However, it also serves as a cautionary picture of what can happen to any Christ follower who lives life doing "good things", but not 'keeping in step with the Spirit'. It is not enough to know the word of God in these times. We must live it out of an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit of God so we can discern through Him, what is to come.

As marketplace leaders we are responsible for our families and our employees' families. This responsibility is given to us by God and only by operating under His leadership can we navigate what is to come - be it financial, national, governmental, or societal conflict. God is never surprised and He always has a good plan to bring good out of the messes made by humanity.

If you are a believer who does not know how to lead your business empowered daily by the Holy Spirit, I can teach you and your teams how to lead your enterprise and its people in a way that helps you avoid or navigate business challenges. In addition, your Spirit-led leadership brings supernatural peace, creativity upon an organization of believers AND non-believers. All are blessed when you operate under God, by His Spirit, and not just by your might. Let's connect and discuss what is possible when you are fully empowered in Christ. #holyspirit #kingdompeoplearise #kingdomleadership #spiritled #Jesusleadership

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