A Convergence of Evil Across the West

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Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on October 13, 2023. 
Visit: www.trumpetdaily.com

[00:30] Iran Is Behind the Attack on Israel (36 minutes)
For decades the Trumpet has warned that Iran is the “head of the terrorist snake.” America and Israel were in denial and spent time, resources and men fighting small terrorist groups instead of confronting the number one state sponsor of terrorism. After what happened in Israel last weekend, there’s no more pretending. Many politicians and analysts are finally laying blame on the head of the snake—the Islamic Republic of Iran.

[37:00] Conversion Is a Process (18 minutes)
All have sinned, Paul wrote in Romans 3:23. What is the process for overcoming sin? Is the fight against sin ever over? The process of conversion is one of overcoming sin and becoming more like God in how we think and act. How, then, can we overcome?

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