is it possible for moons to have their own moons? | submoon | artificial subsatellites | asteroids

11 months ago


Theoretically, it is possible for moons to have their own smaller moons, sometimes referred to as "moon moons" or "sub moons." However, the formation and stability of such moon moons would depend on several factors, including the size and distance from the parent moon and the host planet. Here are some key considerations:

Gravitational Stability: For a moon to have its own moon, the gravitational forces must be sufficient to maintain the stability of the moon moon's orbit. If the gravitational forces are too weak, the moon moon may be captured temporarily but eventually escape.

Distance from the Parent Moon: The distance between the moon moon and the parent moon should be within a certain range. If it's too close, tidal forces from the parent moon might disrupt the moon moon's orbit. If it's too far, the moon moon may not be gravitationally bound.

Influence of the Host Planet: The gravitational influence of the host planet plays a crucial role. The host planet's gravity can affect the stability and orbit of moon moons, making it more challenging for them to exist.

Formation Mechanism: The origin of moon moons would also be a factor. They could be captured asteroids or debris, or they could form through other mechanisms.

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, no confirmed moon moons have been observed in our solar system. However, the concept is a subject of theoretical study and computer simulations. It's possible that future observations and research may shed more light on the possibility of moon moons.

It's important to note that moons are typically much smaller than planets, and moon moons would be even smaller in comparison, which could make their detection more challenging.


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