The Keys that Unlock the Anointing

1 year ago

There are keys (revelations) of how to access the anointing. The big keys have to do with having a heart God can truly trust. Many believers don't realize that God is looking for a higher standard of purity of the heart, humility, and surrender. Many don't know really what humility, purity and surrender look like. Maybe they haven't had the best examples. And others' eyes aren't open to realize the power of careless words and how that lack of surrender in that area is keeping them held back from being a vessel God can trust. In my book "The Secret of the Anointing" I share what these keys (revelations) are, so you may be transformed more into the image of God and be a vessel who He can entrust with anointing. You can get my book anywhere books are sold, like Amazon. The audiobook narrated by me is also available!

Watch the full message "The Secret of the Anointing" here:

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