Coroners Exposed: Ignoring Vaxx in SIDS death, and NO Religious Exemption!

1 year ago

Tiffany Kreck - Founder, Health Choice Maine

Hey…Buy us a cup of Coffee:

When the White House occupant finally in May allowed unvaxxed nurses and doctors to work in hospitals and nursing homes that received Medicare funding, experts wondered if the end of the cruel CMS mandate would ease the staff shortage. A couple of years ago, a nurse’s union opposed such mandates, specifically because of the struggle to adequately staff hospitals. When Maine’s regulator for emergency services imposed its own Covid vaccine mandate on frontline firefighters, ambulance drivers, EMRs, EMTs, & paramedics, Health Choice Maine sued.

Nurse shortages affect care in hospitals, and vaccine mandates on emergency personnel affect everyone who calls for an ambulance …and it never arrives. Of course, medical personnel weren’t the only Americans mandated to participate in the vaccine experiment that has now created Sudden Adult Death syndrome (SAD) and is exacerbating “Excess Death.” Under the OSHA mandate, half the workforce faced unemployment if they didn’t risk their lives for Pharma. Some college students STILL face death from the mandated VAX to avoid being kicked out of school.

While most Americans have access to vaccine exemptions based on religious exemptions, Maine politicians cruelly repealed that option. The remaining exemption, based on medical contra-indications, is virtually impossible to obtain since it requires finding a doctor who agrees that vaccines are dangerous.

Tiffany will present her work in the lawsuit and lobbying efforts to restore fuller exemption rights in Maine and provide a safe environment for the growing cohort of vaccine-injured people. Join us, and learn how to advance health freedom in your state.

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