The Land is still Promised 01 | Calvary of Tampa with Pastor Jesse Martinez

1 year ago

Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE Midweek Service Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez


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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#israel #promised #land #jew #jewish #country #promise #bibleline #salvation #messiah #christ

uh primarily because it's a very sensitive subject right now there's a
lot of discussion as to why Israel is in the Gaza Strip to begin with there's
also a lot of discussion on um who owns that land if you've
listened to some news sources they have said that uh Israel has been in
possession of Gaza for many many years that is not true um a Bible scholar or
really a student of History would know that uh gaza's always been and the Gaza Strip Gaza is one city but the Gaza
Strip includes many cities but it's always been something that's been a problem dating back to Joshua's time and
even with David and Solomon and we can see in the Bible where there were conquests made up until that point
famously uh Samson died at Gaza as he brought down the temple to deeon there
but it's interesting to see now you're looking at Biblical history that we're being told is
litigated by politics so a lot of people would look at our president right now who is Democrat and he would say or
people would say he naturally is not for the rights of Israel because historically there are some issues with
the Democratic party and Israel and they call it Palestine that is a new Greek
word for Philistines or Canaan so when you hear it called Palestine it is going
back to the time before God promised it to Abraham which it was still God's land but you hear all these designations and
the occupation of Palestine and all this stuff that can become very political in
nature and it has be become political but as a result of that we forget or we
just never knew what did God say about this place and so I did a lot of research this week because I was really
um impressed in a negative way by what happened over the weekend it just shook me and you know now we're you know
there's reports coming out I'm not going to say it because you you most most likely know about it but just gruesome
things were done to young women and children toddlers babies uh things that
it's it's terrible and you come to find like this is not something brand new
this is something that's been going on for a very very long time and what we're seeing here is the potential for Israel
to take that piece of land uh or at least make it uh inhabitable I don't
know how many of you have seen some of the responses from Israel but it makes these small rocket attempts from Hamas
out of Gaza look like child's play um I'm seeing videos of Just entire cities
in uh or excuse me entire city blocks just totally destroyed in in one second
just a plume of smoke Gaza the Gaza Strip is about to run out of power very
soon because they have Israel has cut it off and Egypt has closed its borders to refugees you're talking about two
million people that live in this densely populated area eight out of 10 of those people are on daily food Aid there's
just a lot of tension and problems that are going on in that region and you're seeing a lot of spin you're seeing a lot
of Spin and what I want you to know is we are not pro-israel because we are all
so conservative in nature we're not pro-israel because we're we vote Republican or because the past president
was very strong for Israel we should be pro-israel because that is God's chosen people and this land was given to them
by him and the only person you're going to find in this study it's a two-part study the only person who will be able
to bring in the full legislation and authority to reign in that land it hasn't happened yet is Jesus Christ how
exciting you know him he knows you and we and and we just have this ability now
to see the conflict is rising these discussions are rising Ing and you're
starting to see what I think is you know these are the birth pangs wars and
rumors of wars and we've been seeing this for a while but especially when you see it to this magnitude you start looking and saying is there anything in
scripture to indicate this some people have looked at Psalm 83 and said that this is a Psalm 83 War not sure entirely
about that there may have been something that has correlation to that because Psalm 83 is very I don't want to say
vague but it's all-encompassing um some people said is this Ezekiel 38 war no because Russia is
not involved however Russia has just taken their opportunity to stand with the people of Palestine and uh that's a
direct support of what's going on with Hamas which is a terror agency within there uh people are having a hard time
calling it what it is we're getting militant group instead of terrorist organization and people are starting to
take sides you have people in our Congress that are standing with the
Palestinian people as far as they're not being being clear on it of course they never say they stand with Hamas because
they know what that means but these lines are being blurred and you're seeing here this war
that Israel is fighting and they are paying for it in blood uh from this surprise attack that happened on them
could continue for a while until possibly you could see the Gaza Strip
um no one could live there and you would be curious as to what would happen next
regardless we know that there is nothing left to happen before the Lord comes back he could come back at any moment
but could this be the turmoil and the chaos that escalates to such a point where you have all nations involved in
Israel's defense to where you would need a man coming and uniting everybody like
the Antichrist you could see something like that starting to play out I would if I were you I'd pay attention to who's
saying what and start listening for anything that says peace and safety and peace and safety a lot of wartime
discussion right now obviously because they're in war but it's all interesting to see and so I went to the internet and
I started to look and what I wanted to see was a Biblical map progression of the promises of Israel as they were
given of course the first thing that's said is in Genesis 12 we're going to look at that in a minute then we can go through and see how there's several
distinctions and clarifications When God says to this point and this point to this point and this point and I found a
great source from a church in California that according to their doctrinal statement they clear on the gospel I
emailed the pastor and I said hey I would like to use this tonight uh can I
have permission he said absolutely so I want to show this to you tonight and I want to show you these you know I've pulled out the images and made
information relevant instead of going through it's about it's about an 11 page document that goes through and we're
splitting it into two parts we're going tonight from the promise that God gave to Abram who later became Abraham all
the way up until ad 135 when the Jews totally lost out on the land and then
next week we'll look at the 1916 discussions leading into the form the
form that we have today and The Six Day War and all that kind of stuff I think it'll be helpful for you because you're
definitely going to be pressed on issues like this when you say you're pro- Israel there a lot of propaganda out there and I always want to arm you with
Biblical support okay I think it would impress people to see how much the Bible
talks about present day issues but number one they don't know it and number two you have an opportunity to tell them
if it's in discussion so I think this will be a blessing to you if we can turn the lights off that would be good we'll
leave the overhead lights on Jan that quadrant of four there is good and then
Warren if you can cut the overhead lights
there you can leave those on Jan all right very good
okay Genesis 12: 1 through3 it says now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee
out of thy country which was ER and from thy Kindred and from thy
Father's House unto a land that I will show unto thee now this is important here I got the big laser for tonight I
will show impressive right I had to get this I had to get this that I will show unto thee he's going to he's going to
show it later but he's he's calling Abraham out and he's saying as a result
of this I'm going to put you into a specific place I'm going to do it I'm
calling you to do it I want you to believe me and we know later in Romans this count unto him for
righteousness and I will make of thee number one a great nation and I will
bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing and I will
bless them that bless thee and I will and curse him that curseth thee and in
thee shall all families of the earth be blessed so you can see right now on the news when you see Nations siding against
Israel this has not ceased this is still in effect so when
you see the United States of America allying with Israel it's not a it's not a republican propaganda piece although
it's been used in that way this is standing with Biblical truth and I think our nation has been blessed greatly in
our support of Israel we're supporting Israel now even with the presidency in the shape that it is Biden is responding
to make sure that Israel has the ammunition and support that it needs to defend itself from this surprise attack
that happened um several days ago now interesting I want you to see a new testament connection here Galatians 3
and: 16 says now to Abraham and his Seed where the promises made you see right
there in Genesis 12 where those promises are he saith not to seeds as of many but
as of one and now we have through this is called progressive revelation we have information that is in Genesis that is
given God expounds upon it and now through the Holy Spirit through the author of The Apostle Paul we're getting
more information about this not as seeds of many but as of one and to thy seed
which is who Christ and then we have it later on in the passage the same chapter
there there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither Bond nor free there is neither male nor female for ye are all
one in the Anointed The Chosen the Messiah Christ Jesus and if ye be Christ
now this is not a conditional thing Paul is arguing from what has already happened contextually in Galatians they
thought they they were now outside of the body of Christ because they didn't do the circumcision that the law
required because they had Jewish legalists judaizers coming in and changing what the gospel is Paul's
reminding them of what they had already believed and he's giving them more support as to by faith you're in this
promise you are grafted in Jew and Gentile and if you be Christ then ye are
Abraham's seed so this is I think this is exciting we are in that promise
because of faith in Jesus Christ isn't that great so when you stand for the people of Israel and you are not an
Israeli by birth doesn't matter cuz we're all one of these you
know at some point or something like that doesn't matter if you're born of the family physically meaning you're a
part of the nation of Israel or you are now grafted in you're in this is a beautiful thing what is
the dividing line are you in Jesus Christ it's the
gospel this is why we don't move off the gospel it's rudimentary it's the building blocks and if you be Christ
then you're Abraham's seed and heirs according to
what this promise that was given to Abram so this is why we stand for Israel
this is why we we do the things that we're doing now this is not well I guess our church is conservative in nature so
we do this no this is God said it so we're going to stand by it this will never change by the way there's nothing
that ever changes this I don't have a ton of time but I do want to say very quickly you're going to hear about replacement theology as you grow in your
Bible knowledge and you find YouTube pastors and stuff there are free Grace preachers out there that teach the
gospel but they teach that God is finished with Israel that is not true
this replacement theology leads you to a post wrath which means at the end of the
tribulation Rapture because they think the church has now become Israel and therefore is going to go through the
tribulation period there's a new thing that new thing is we're in Christ Jesus
I talked extensively about this body that we're in now in uh last Sunday
night so I would encourage you to take a look at that it be helpful but we see This Promise available also to those who
believe in Jesus Christ okay now let's get into some maps you say that's really small don't worry big Maps coming but we
got to go through some stuff here first okay so in Genesis 13 take your Bibles and go to Genesis 13 I'm not quoting all
the scripture there but I want you to see the the significant scripture of action so that you can you can see
clearly what the instructions are here Genesis 13 14 through uh 15 and verse 17
is a explanation now it's it's still vague but it is now a building upon
specifically of the length and the breadth the width of the land that this
nation was going to possess look in verse 14 of Genesis 13 page 22 and the
Lord said unto Abram after that lot was separated from him lot went towards
Sodom we know how that ended but now God deals with Abram and
he says lift up thine eyes which means look look from the place where thou art northward
Southward Eastward and westward in all directions verse 15 for all the land
which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever now I think it's
interesting Galatians just said he didn't say seeds as many but seeds singular and we know that's in Jesus
Christ and I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth what does that mean
okay this means innumerable it's he's speaking in a hyperbole here you it would be like
count the little individual piece of dust in the what does it say
uh of the earth go ahead you start here I'll start over there we can't do it
it's innumerable so that if a man can number the dust of the earth then shall thy
seed also be numbered then he says specifically arise walk walk through the
land in the length of it and in the breadth of it for I will give it unto thee then Abraham removed his tent and
came and dwelt in the plain of mammer which is in Hebron and built there an altar unto the Lord so focus on the
verse here which is verse 17 arise walk through the land the length and the
breadth of it for I will give it unto thee so we have this first chart starts up here walks all the way
down through Canaan which is in possession you know there's there's no
there's no debate here that this this was possessed by a previous uh group of people but God has through his
sovereignty given it to Israel he comes down to Egypt for a bit remember he sjs there and then makes his
way back up so you've got a lot going on here I believe this is the Dead Sea I
think Galilee is up here somewhere but you see the coastline here Gaza right
about there The Phoenician Coast right about there these are two disputed areas for a long time this one finally caved
in but this one is what we're seeing a lot of the problems today right there in that region so then the promises
expanded further more details are given look in Genesis
15 don't worry big map coming little map for now specifically I want you to see in uh
well we'll read the whole passage here Genesis 15:1
18-20 in the same day the Lord made a covenant saying uh with Abram saying unto thy
seed have I given this land from the river of Egypt unto the Great River the
river Euphrates and then he goes through all the ites all the different people or groups in which this land in which they
possess right now will be given to Israel for the sake of time I'm not going to but all those names but I do
want you to see here this is the same area that Abram already walked which is already promised
but we have some new boundaries set the Great River the rivers uh
Euphrates all the way down through here there's Galilee uh excuse me there's the Dead Sea again Gaza over here and now we
have the river Egypt which is the w l arish which is right there in the Sinai Peninsula by the way and you know this
already does Isel possess anywhere close to this right now no not even close it's
a very small percentage right here but this is what and God goes
through and he tells all the different lands that are now going to be Abrams
according to this Covenant that God made with him now there's more okay Joshua chapter
1 veres 3- 4 let's go
Moses Leading the People to the promised land and they say there are giants in
the land we can't do it there are two spies that say uh no we can do it but
Israel has already made a decision to um act out of unbelief by the way this is
the warning in Hebrews you miss the rest as Israel missed the promised land and had to suffer in the wilderness so we as
Believers can miss the rest that we can enjoy now not we're not missing heaven but the rest that we have now in Christ
for fear of unbelief so and I was talking to Trent about this today complaining is a very
very easy thing to do we were just in discussion of things and we talked about
how easy it is to identify problems anybody can do that the real work is
done identifying solution and uh implementing the solution that's where you see real progress ress not very many
people are doing that it's very easy to murmur and complain that's a very great terrible sin God punishes that
severely but we see in Joshua 1: 3-4 every place that the soul of your foot
shall tread upon that I have given unto you as I said unto Moses from the Wilderness and this Lebanon even unto
the Great River the river Euphrates river Euphrates has already been identified what's new here the Lebanon
discussion that's new all the land of the Hittites unto the great sea toward
the going down of the sun shall be your Coast so all that Focus here look up on
the map we now have the promised land according to God's decree this is the
new section now maybe it's down here Lebanon modern
day Lebanon that's in discussion all the way down to the coast here and this is
the Great Sea the Mediterranean all of this this is yours this entire Coast is that true of Israel today no it's not
and this is where all the problems are today and gaza's been a city specific
remember the Gaza Strip includes the city of Gaza so that's not all like the state of Gaza there's little cities in
there but that area is highly coveted why trade route that's that's where
things go you that's where your exports are that's where your Imports come in hotly contested area just like this is
too these two areas down here on the Sinai Peninsula so this is the promised land
according to God's decree that Joshua was going to go in and conquest and it
was very very brutal because of the people that were indwelling it and
remember I I just need to go back here for a moment remember this is this is who we already there you study these
ancient cultures one thing that is that is a common factor in each one of them is child
sacrifice gruesome child sacrifice and this is and this is when
you say when you hear people say God is an evil and wicked and uh uh ego ego
manical God I think is the one that the atheists really like to throw out it's because of these conquests that Joshua
goes and does but these people we're not I'm going to say this gently uh because
you know I want to make sure you understand you're seeing similarities of what happened this weekend to what these people were already
doing the gruesome um treatment of infants you
would think who does that this is this is the type of culture that was existing
in this time to a to a much worse degree and so the reaction that you see here
is I'm not saying there's no forgiveness forgiveness is available but there is a point where people sear their consciences and there they're gone
they're out this is why God had so so very he he had very serious instructions about particular sins and our system
today our our court system today allows people to live for sins that God said if they found guilty on this it's it's done
can you imagine if we had capital punishment for every single instance of murder do you know what would happen
murder rate would go down because the government has the power to execute the authority of God to take the life of
somebody who takes the life of another you know why we have a problem with murder today there's no penalty
it's not enforced God uses his sovereignty to
establish properly what he has given to Israel but it's the conquest of these
groups here and that's where all this stems back to you want to talk about the occupation of Palestine people don't go
back this far normally like when you're listening to AOC talk about I don't know what she's talking about I'm not sure
she knows either but when she has a discussion about the occupation of Palestine and and I've watched this video where this reporter
kept pressing her can you explain that can you explain that and she goes I don't know I'm not a
politician okay but these These are people that are legislating how we uh affect these things but when you see
people say they're in support of of uh against Israel's occupation of Palestine
it's going back to these things back to these times so in numbers 34 and
Joshua's Joshua 13-21 which by the way Joshua 13-21 is not devotional
reading it is the reading of real estate this is what is
discussed all the tribes of Israel this is your possession now these yellow
areas were what God had said would be the length of it but they didn't possess
it fully but this is where all the 12 tribes were there were given and you
just you know take your hand you know you go to like Joshua 14 and just go somewhere and it says and this portion
here and this portion here and these two cities here and all of that and the Cities of Refuge are discussed and
Joshua and all these different things I did a paper on that in college and it was very tedious but now you look at it
today and you go wow there's a lot of there's a lot of structure here and and how God set things up and how he divided
the land amongst his people we're getting to the last part here which we're we're we're doing right
on time so in First Kings 865 there is a statement made that
people came for sacrifices all the way from the top of this region here and all
the way from the bottom of the region here so it's believed I'm not saying there's biblical support for this but we
think possibly in First Kings 865 it shows that in the Reign under David and
Solomon Israel had some type of full length possession now there's something
important here that's why I blew up the map this Gaza Strip okay never has
really been in possession as it should be okay it was given to Judah Judah is
supposed to go in and take it they went all the way up to it didn't take it and
then there were there was an attempt but there was a lot of Armory and artillery there that stopped them from being able
to fully do it so the point that I'm making here cuz this is the last slide that even though it's possible that
David or under Solomon's Reign there was a full possession of the length and width of it here it was not in full
possession because these two regions never came under control why is that significant it's significant because the
only person that's going to be able to take full possession of the land that was promised is the seed which is Jesus
I I I know you're not excited about this I get it I understand but for me that's
amazing it's amazing that the the term in Genesis is seed singular and it's not
a typo you don't find it one place here it says seeds and then one place it says seed when Paul said it's not to seeds as
many but to seed as one and that seed is Jesus Christ and you look back at the fact that he was the lamb slain before
the foundation of the world this is Major prophecy this is Major credibility
to the accuracy of the Bible and the fact that I'm known by
Jesus Christ because I put my trust in him I'm an heir according to the promise
of this I look at what's happening over there today and gruesome and terrible yes but I know just as sure as Jesus
came back from the dead there is coming a time when he will rule and he will rule righteously and do it correctly and
no one's going to be able to take it from him not even the devil when he's loose for a thousand years
that's exciting stuff again I know I'm nerding out here but this is a part of
our faith I want you to see these things because you know we're not just I'm
pro-israel because my part's pro-israel we got chapter and verse here and I
think these beautifully simple maps that show us this is all the potential of what it could be now next week we're
going to look at well by the way from this point on until about 135 ad all of this began to
shrink okay and there was a failed Rebellion I can't pronounce it bar something but it was a failed Rebellion
by the last attempt to possess land in the Jewish state it was wiped out by Rome about 135 ad and since from that
point until 1948 they were not in possession of the
Land There was a there's something that happened with the the with uh Britain and the war that happened there with the
Ottoman Empire who was was the last one in possession before the Jews got in their rightful land and that's where
we'll pick up next week and we'll look at how okay we got to stop but you'll look
at how much was promised in the the legislation of powers okay these powers
are not greater than God but they act like it oh you can have this much and
then you know you'll you'll see what they actually gotten where we are today so go ahead and close your Bibles we can turn the lights back
on if you want a link to this PDF I gratefully give it to you uh it's really
good stuff the guy writes simply like I said his website he he he he appears to be clear on the gospel which I I think
is wonderful um but he also and we're going to go into this next week there's there's a
Hebrew word study that we can do to the specific language in these these uh in this Covenant and you can see how it's
not there is some interpretation on the word Everlasting that it means for a long long time or it really means into
time you know without end and you see all the words that are used specifically in this Covenant between God and Abraham
and how significant it is to today because if time is still going then Israel is still promise the land amen so
that's an exciting thing all right look up here I want to share with you the greatest news in all the world I'll let
this hand represent you me and everybody in the face of the planet and I'll let this block of sin represent exactly what
it is this is sin put this on top of my hand because the Bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of
God God He Loves Us very much but he hates our sin because it's separates us from him in order to get to heaven and
be with him forever we have to be sinless not sinless but without any sin and this is
a major problem because we all have fallen short the wages for sin is death
Eternal separation from God forever in a literal fire burning hell there is no amount of good works that could ever pay
for this going to church reading your Bible supporting God's people although there is a blessing involved in that
that blessing is not eternal life just for the support and people think they can do their own good works and think
they can stand before God and say I did it of my own accord Matthew 7 says that there will be many that say in that last
day Lord Lord and Jesus will say depart from me you workers of iniquity I never knew you it's a significant statement to
Works do not save you so what does save us well we need a payment for sin and this hand will represent Jesus Christ
the only begotten son of God Jesus the Messiah who came into the world took on a body and went to that cross for you
and for me he took that sin the sin of all the world those who would believe and those who would never believe he
paid for it all and once he was buried and he came back 3 days later it was appr proof that sin was not only paid
but also that everything he said before was verified and inv validated that he is the Messiah and he will come back and
Rule and Reign and for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life if you want Deliverance if you want
salvation you need to put your trust in Jesus Christ and in him alone the moment that you do you receive the free gift of
everlasting life and you are grafted into the promise that was given and that's a great place to be and that will never ever end once you're saved you're
saved forever you're kept by him you're kept by the father you're sealed by the Holy Spirit that's great news ain't it
so then we look at prophecy stuff like this and you're like woo if all that's true we know this is true and we're
watching it as Dr lyston would say we're reading uh tomorrow's headlines today in
the Bible let's go to the Lord in prayer shall we heads are bowed Nic or closed if you're watching on the internet tonight maybe you popped in because of
the title and you're curious of what's going on in the world and looking for an explanation I pray that you would see
your need for a savior if you're trusting in your own good works to save you I pray that you would change your mind about that and put your trust in
Jesus Christ that what he did on on the cross paid for all your sins that he was buried and he rose again the moment that
you do that the Bible says that you're saved and I'd like to pray for you if you'd send us an email or leave a comment on whatever platform you're
watching on we'll be more than happy to reach out to you for those of us in the audience I know all of you personally I I pray that these things would encourage
you but that you would not cease in prayer for God's people who are suffering primarily we need to pray that
they would accept their Messiah who is Jesus Christ and pray for the Lord's return that he will bring that Vengeance
as he only can do in jesus' name oh let's pray father thank you for everything that you've given us we do
pray for your people in Israel that they would first put their trust in your son Lord we also pray for your soon return
in Jesus name we pray these things amen all right let's all stand together we'll turn to or we'll sing 466 it will be
worth it all it will be worth it
all when we see Jesus us life's trials will seem so
small when we see Christ one glimpse of his dear
face all sorrow will
erase so bravely run the
race till we see Christ God bless you all have a great
week and we'll see you Lord willing on Sunday for the homecoming Steve you can leave the uh sound on we're going to
have practice here in a few
minutes a question forgot what it was I was going to tell you kind had mentioned
if you can start doing um theme decorations for those slides and stuff
so I would remove those last song before after the

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