A Tale of Two Holy Men: Zen&Strickland

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Date – Friday, October 13th, 2023 – Jacinta & Francisco of Fatima

1. **Introduction of Jacinta and Francisco:** Jacinta, always serious, and Francisco, with the soul of a hermit, were the children of Fatima, the true spiritual directors being Our Lady herself.

2. **Spiritual Molding:** Our Lady molded the children into authentic heroes. Through her guidance, the children made remarkable progress in their spiritual journey, resembling the teachings of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort: progress in the school of the Virgin was rapid and profound.

3. **Jacinta's Sanctity:** Jacinta possessed a seriousness and maturity beyond her years. Her actions reflected the presence of God, and she reprimanded others when they offended God.

4. **Francisco's Contemplative Life:** Francisco was attracted to an ascetic and contemplative life. He often withdrew to secluded places to pray and console Jesus, who he believed was sad due to humanity's sins.

5. **The Children's Dedication:** The children spent long hours near the tabernacle in the church. They communicated with the "Hidden Jesus" and were excused from school lessons due to their special relationship with Our Lady.

6. **Transformation by Our Lady:** Our Lady's work in the souls of Jacinta and Francisco symbolizes a profound, grace-filled transformation. Similar to the Secret of Mary described by St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, this transformation happened smoothly and without the children realizing it. Our Lady changed them profoundly through her apparitions.

7. **Symbolic Value of the Transformation:** The transformation of Jacinta and Francisco symbolizes the future Reign of Mary and the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. They serve as intercessors for those who wish to undergo a similar transformation, paving the way for the Reign of Mary on earth.

8. **Prayers for Transformation:** Believers are encouraged to ask Jacinta and Francisco for their intercession, praying that the Reign of Mary begins in them. They are natural intercessors for those spreading and living the Fatima message.

9. **Connection between Fatima and the Counter-Revolution:** Acknowledging the decadence and approaching ruin of the present-day world, as prophesied at Fatima, is vital for spiritual growth. By understanding the gravity of the situation, spiritual fervor increases.

10. **Prayers for the Reign of Mary:** Believers are urged to fervently ask, through Jacinta and Francisco's intercession, for the speedy arrival of the Reign of Mary. They should plead with Our Lady to intervene in worldly events, obstruct the plans of her adversaries, and establish her Reign on earth, demolishing evil designs.

Jacinta & Francisco, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Wednesday

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, Day of Jihad today?

Also – at 30 past the hour, A tale of two holy men: Zen&Strickland

Oh Yeah – at 45 past the hour,

Plus – in the next hour, Dave Palmer Back to the Father the Justice and Mercy of God

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

My grandfather’s cancer.

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