Iodine, Thyroid and Real Breast Cancer Awareness with Dr. Jeffrey Dach

1 year ago

Episode Description

Welcome to the 28th episode of the Back to Human Podcast.
On todays episode we talk about why iodine is an essential nutrient, why it is important for optimal thyroid health and can potentially be preventative and curative for fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer.

Joining me on this episode is Dr. Jeffrey Dach. Dr. Dach has been practicing medicine since 1976. After 25 years of working in the Memorial Hospital System in South Florida as a diagnostic and interventional radiologist, Dr. Dach retired as a radiologist and started up his own practice TrueMedMD where he specializes in bioidentical hormones, natural thyroid and natural medicine. Dr. Dach is the author of several books including Natural Thyroid Toolkit, Cracking Cancer Toolkit, Heart book, Bioidentical Hormones 101 and Stop the Thyroid Madness.

We cover a lot in this discussion. Some of the topics include:
• What is iodine and why is it an essential nutrient?
• Myxedema
• What causes iodine deficiency?
• Selenium for autoimmune thyroid disease
• How iodine deficiency is a direct cause of autoimmune thyroid disease
• How iodine deficiency is the leading cause of mental retardation in the developing fetus
• The introduction of iodized salt
• Iodine increasing IQ
• Sources of iodine
• How coronary artery disease is correlated to low thyroid and how thyroid hormone has cured heart disease
• The difference between natural desiccated thyroid and synthetic thyroid hormone
• What labs are used to diagnose thyroid health and why should be not rely solely on TSH
• How and why iodine is useful as a treatment for fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer
• Dermabromism when starting high iodine supplementation and adverse effects
• Does estrogen make breast cancer grow?
• Testosterone as a breast cancer treatment
• Estrogen as a breast cancer treatment in postmenopausal women

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Dach's work you can visit his website:

Also be sure to check out his books:
• Heart Book: How to Keep Your Heart Healthy
• Bioidentical Hormones 101
• Stop the Thyroid Madness II
• Natural Thyroid Toolkit
• Cracking Cancer Toolkit: Using Repurposed Drugs for Cancer Treatment
• Natural Medicine 101: How to Win the Medical Information War and Take Control of Your Health.

Thank you for listening to the show! Please share it with someone you believe can benefit from hearing the information in this episode!

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