Vote NO. Uluru Statement From The Heart. "The Voice" 6184.

1 year ago

1 page???

26th May 2017 Founded.

+ 6 Years 18 Days 4 Months
Obama Born: 61.84

= Saturday 14th October 2023. VOTE NO...

Modus operandum.
Order out of Chaos.
Hegelian Dialectic.
Problem, Action, Solution.
Divide and Conquer.
Thesis, Anti Thesis, Synthesis.

Knowing: 2009. Filmed in Melbourne Australia.
216. 666. 84. 61. 923. Full of Obama's Birth numbers what the bible calls "The number of his name". Revelation chapter 13, 14, 15. king James Bible.


Obama Foundation.
Obama's Higher Ground Productions. Doco Crib Camp.
Obama spoke in Sydney and Melbourne in March 2023.

Obama is all about: Globally as a official EX President.

Pluralism. Diversity, Racial inclusion, Black lives matter, Tolerance, Immigration, Woke agenda, Progressive Socialism Globalist Democracy, extreme left. United Nations agenda, world economic forum agenda. The 666 Great Reset.

Obama is the Beast man. The 666 Man. Antichrist. The Man of sin. Soon to be the Son of Perdition. Hellboy... Movie Split. 2017.

He has visited Australia 3 times.

President Obama visits Australia addresses university of Queensland 15th November 2014. G20 Summit Brisbane 16th - 17th November 2014.

+ 40 Months 8 Days (48)

= Ex President (Private Citizen) Obama visits Australia. Meets Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Gives speech at NSW art Gallery 23rd March 2018.

21st February 2021.
NSW Prime Minister Morrisson and 84 Year old Jane get the Pfizer shot. She flips the bird to all Aussies. This was performed orchestrated. First two Australian recipients of a Covid Vaxx Pfizer well at least saline or such...

+ 2 Years 1 Month 6 Days (216)

= Tuesday 28th March 2023.
An Evening with President Obama Sydney NSW Australia Aware Theatre.

Obama is the 666/216 Man.

Born August 4th 1961. The 216th Day of the Year. 6x6x6 = 216.

Wikipedia page number 216.

Movie Pi Faith In Chaos 1998. 216.

VOTE NO. To New World Order Takeover of Australia through proxy events LIKE "The Voice".

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