The Life Of A Cat - Play Date

7 years ago

When owners of a pet schedule a play date, it’s assumed that their pets are both dogs that will meet up in a city park to play. This is not the case with these two cats named Echo and Addison. Since they are sisters, they consider every day a play date, and trust Alex – every day is. Both Echo and Addison have learned various ways of playing with their owner, Alex. In this video they are pictured playing fetch, which is a common game that dogs play. Learned from very young ages, they could care less what animal the game was made for - they just love to run their tails off, over and over. Sometimes, Alex’s arm gets too tired. Never fear, for these two have found how to throw the ball by picking it up with their teeth and flinging it in the air or batting the ball around using their paws.

Early on as a kitten, Echo learned fetch when she would play with her favorite toy, the ball. Alex would throw it and Echo would run after it, bouncing off the walls (hence the name, Echo). Once she was done chasing, she would gather the ball by picking it up with her teeth, and bring the ball back to Alex. Fast forward two years and Addison now enters the picture. Like a good sister, Echo teaches young Addison the same thrilling game.

Addison’s name comes from Alex’s favorite Major League Baseball Team, the Chicago Cubs. The Chicago Cubs play in a stadium called Wrigley Field. Chewing gum magnate William Wrigley Jr. of the Wrigley Company acquired control of the Chicago Cubs in 1921. Shortly before, the park was named Cubs Park in 1920. It wasn’t until 1927 that they renamed it Wrigley Field. Addison’s name comes from two specific ties to Wrigley Field. 1.) The address of Wrigley Field is 1060 W. Addison Street which runs along the south end of the ballpark. 2.) One of Alex’s favorite current players is named Addison Russell.

Both Echo and Addison are considered Tabby Cats. Tabby cats are domestic felines that have a coat featuring distinctive stripes, dots, lines, and even swirling patterns. Sometimes, Tabby’s have a mark of an “M” on their forehead in distinct colors. Despite these facts, Alex says, “If you’d ask Echo or Addison what animal they are, they would say that they’re dogs.”

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