How Indian Virginity Wisdom Can Save The World

1 year ago

India and Africa are two very different continents with rich and diverse cultures. While there are many similarities between the two continents, there are also many differences. One such difference is the importance placed on virginity before marriage. In India, virginity is still highly valued and is seen as a sign of purity and modesty. Many Indian families believe that their daughters should be virgins on their wedding night, and that if they are not, it will bring shame and dishonor to the family. This is in contrast to many African cultures, where virginity before marriage is not as important. In fact, in some African cultures, it is considered normal for young women to lose their virginity before marriage.

There are a number of reasons why virginity is so important in India. One reason is that it is seen as a way to protect women from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Another reason is that it is seen as a way to ensure that a woman is faithful to her husband. Additionally, virginity is seen as a way to maintain a woman's reputation and social status.
However, there are also a number of negative consequences associated with the importance placed on virginity in India. One consequence is that it can lead to violence and discrimination against women who are not virgins. Additionally, it can lead to women feeling ashamed and guilty about their sexuality. Finally, it can lead to women feeling pressured to get married early, even if they are not ready to do so. In recent years, there has been a growing movement in India to challenge the importance placed on virginity. This movement is arguing that virginity is not a measure of a woman's worth, and that women should be free to make their own choices about their sexuality. It remains to be seen whether this movement will be successful in changing the way that virginity is viewed in India.

I am Bertin Victoire from D.R.Congo. I am currently living in India currently, I love sharing my thoughts and nowadays I share the ideas of contrast between my continent Africa, and the country I've spent most of my time apart from Congo which is India. I give a perspective of a foreigner in India as well as an African in India.
I've spent most of my time apart from Congo which is India. I give a perspective of a foreigner in India as well as an African in India.

There is so much the media share about Africans in

India or about other foreigners in India who are not


I try to put out as much as possible the ideas of an African in India on the internet especially because I find India to be a perfect inspiration for the African continent.

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