Greg Hunter Fear Not, No WWIII Yet – Bo Polny

1 year ago
Oct 13, 2023
Fear Not, No WWIII Yet – Bo Polny
By Greg Hunter’s (Special presentation of Weekly News Wrap-Up WNW 603 for 10/13/23)

Biblical cycle timing expert and geopolitical/financial analyst Bo Polny predicted last month on that “chaos was coming in early October.” The Hamas/Israel war that started on October 6th proved him right. The situation seems to be intensifying and spinning out of control by the hour. Israel has called up 300,000 troops in the war with Hamas terrorists that murdered, wounded or kidnapped thousands of Israelis in a surprise attack last Friday. Hamas is calling for a “global Jihad, invasion of Israel and to attack Jews worldwide on Oct. 13.” Even though this is already a bloody conflict that will, no doubt, get much worse, Polny predicts this is not going to be WWIII, at least not just yet. Polny explains, “If you truly understand the times we are living in today, do not fear World War III. It is not the time for it. That time point is Revelation 16, verse 12. It says the Euphrates River dries up, and armies prepare for Armageddon. I repeat, we are not at Revelation 16.”

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