Flat Earth Is Not A Disk In Space

1 year ago

When someone tells you the earth is flat; don't be a moron by ignoring it. You have been lied to and enslaved by those who have you thinking you are a monkey spinning on a ball of water. Our entire earth's population worships "Baal" but they aren't ready for that conversation. May those who have ears, HEAR; and those who have eyes, SEE. Worshiping "balls" is what a woman who loves her husband does for her husband only. Let this sink in on so many levels. The book can be found on www.FlatEarthFightClub.com

"Give the slaves bread and a circus and they will NEVER revolt."

>Bi-baal-ra's legion
>Ball Earth-cartoons for adults

#Baal #Baal #Satan #Lucifer #Sovereignty #MindControl #MilkAndHoney #666 #SexCult #Adultery #SunCult #Helios #Theory #NASALies #Fakery #Symbolism #MasonicMath #Demonology #Witch #Warlock #Druid #Politics #Sheeple #War #MilkyWay #Galaxy #UnlockedMind #Code #FlatEarth #Truth #FlatEarthFightClub

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