Lebron James Loves Police Brutality

1 year ago

You know and us using our voices us using being together you hear Golden State always use the phrase strength in numbers. and that's exactly what it was and why were here as an NBA as MVPA. All our players everybody had a voice on what's going on in America. So um we know we wanna you know see better days umm and umm when we leave here we gotta continue to push that. Uh continue to push social injustice continue to push for Voter Suppression continue to push for police brutality continue to push for everything that is the opposite of love. And I think if we continue to do that all of us um America would be uh much better place which we all love this country.

666 total characters.
Lebron 6 letters 66 to #'s
Lakers 6 letters 66 to #'s

Lebron says We 6 times
Lebron says continue 6 times
Lebron says to 6 times.

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