Viking: Battle for Asgard (PS3 vs Xbox 360 Comparison) -No Commentary-

1 year ago

Viking: Battle for Asgard was a game that definitely flew under the radar when it hit on the PS360. It's a decent game if you can get into it. It's combat feels incredibly basic when compared to something like God of War, but it's a solid effort from what I have played of it. For no good reason, I decided to buy it on both the 360 and PS3 when I ordered it. I had forgotten about this game until I went back and read an old review of it on an of blog fanzine of where I had other members of the Gamepro forums write reviews, and reading @TheWarriorFrenzy's review of this game in my old blog fanzine made me decide to pick it up.

As for which version is better visually, the 360, hands-down, wins this comparison. Gameplay-wise, the games play the same, and I didn't notice any major framerate differences between the two. However, the 360 version definitely looks a lot better in the textures (not sure if it's just because the way the 360 handles the blacks or if the textures are better), and according to the box supports 1080p, whereas the PS3 version only supports 720p. Using my 1080p TV as my monitor, I can't really tell if the resolution is higher on the 360, but those with 1440p/4k monitors will be able to tell. I've also noticed that the 360 version has a flag on the back of the character model that is absent in the PS3 version.

Overall, the 360 version definitely looks better, but they both run and play about the same. Viking is worth looking into if you are on the hunt for under-the-radar games. It won't wow you, but it's a solid game. Maybe something in the 7/10 range.

#vikingbattleforasgard #ps3 #xbox360

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