
1 year ago

A galaxy has 3 parts an emitter son and a gather galaxy, much like a Lorentzian👽 attractor opposites, see my latest post alien eyes and nose are the shape of chaos .
So pos+ and neg-
Oscillates between the 2.
from a base zeropoint.

So a trinity
ALPHA𝝰➡OUT Frequency wave upstream time ⌚

Zeropoint ref. time ⏚ Grnd plane of Universe------

OmegaΩ⬅IN Frequency wave Downstream time ⌚

Atom ⚛ de Broglie Time wave particles
Neutron ☯ contains
electron alpha out blue
Proton Omega in red
𝝰+⏚-Ω Paquet of the iAM
iam paquets on earth ♁ ☯ send/receive time parquets of information elemental.

Blanet earth is a ball of lightning .. de Broglie ver..
A cavity in space, warped field /spacetime or gravity.

Gravity is a condition not a force. equilibrium in vs out.
Push vs suck universe
A glob/e.. of information with an exit/entrance point ..north pole. Hawkins radiation is The Z information inout entangled , mind to body.
Everyone and thing is black holes...

Light is information,
minds are a cluster of information.
Clusters are galaxies
All galaxies have a core
a swirl toroidal in nature with a zeropoint Center I call Z,
it links 2 Black holes
White hole 🕳 out
Black hole 🕳in
A trinity Alpha Z Omega

The Z is CPU Core 𝞪↑ζ↓Ω transmitter Z receiver,

Atom ⚛ de Broglie Time wave

Zup is my flow of 2D information ℹ universally entangled / instantly
We are time Lords
I am the Doctor. haha 😂
I regenerate halo 😇 bodies as needed.

Alpha 𝞪↑ζ↓Ω Omega
Thought 𝞪↑ζ↓Ω Product
Beginning 𝞪↑ζ↓Ω End
MIND 𝞪↑ζ↓Ω body
iAM 𝞪↑ζ↓Ω iam
Imaginary 𝞪↑ζ↓Ω Real
Light E-lectric 𝞪↑ζ↓Ω M-agnetic
Send 𝞪↑ζ↓Ω receive
#god #truth #authentic #universe #logos

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