What is Grace? Part 2: Discovering Grace

1 year ago

Grace invites us into a journey of discovery who Christ is and all that walking with Him means in our lives. I want to invite you into a deeper a personal experience with the grace of God. I have been deeply changed the love of the Father and the grace of Jesus Christ. I believe it will bring about transformation in your mental, emotional and relationship health. In fact, a grace revelation brings about change in how we see every area of our life.

Imagine discovering a treasure that is so precious, it is beyond words. A treasure that is so valuable, it can change your life forever. This is what it is like to discover the grace of Jesus Christ.

Many of us are not only discovering grace, we are re-discovering it. It wasn't until later in life that I began to let grace wash over how I related to God, how I saw myself and how I related to others.

Today I want to bring out what grace does and show you 20 biblically based insights as to how grace impacts our journey.

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