There are 2.5 million excess deaths per month in U.S. per government source, reports Stew Peters

1 year ago

Sherri Tenpenny, D.O. talking with Stew Peters on March 2, 2022. “[A U.S. government source says] 
excess deaths in the U.S. are 
2.5 million 
per month.” “In Oct 2022… 
a report… said that [worldwide] 20 million people [have] died 
from these shots, and 2.1 billion people… have been seriously injured.” “We need 
Nuremberg 2.0 [to try people for crimes against humanity.]” “[Government] has poisoned the people.” “… the children have been poisoned.”

The full 15-minute interview is posted here:

Source : Larry Hobbs, Fat News

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