Bearded Dragons - Care Guide

1 year ago

*Disclaimer* This is an old care guide video I made in 2019! Moving it from youtube over to Rumble~

Hey guys! Here's a video explaining the care that goes into bearded dragons as well as some diseases that they can get. This video doesn't include everything possible, but it should get you started! Be sure to do your own research before getting a bearded dragon to make sure they're actually a pet that you want and can afford. I hope that this video can help spread some light on caring for bearded dragons as well as help beginner reptile owners!

I also have to apologize about the crappy mic quality, my webcam is pretty much done for and until I can get a new one this is all I have for the moment.

Most images used in this video do not belong to me!

Important Links
Webe Cages:
Nutrition/Food Chart:
Rainbow Mealworms:
Dachiu Bearded Dragons:
Bearded Dragon Website:

My commissions are open for those interested, you can find all the details on that on my deviantart page or send me a note/email!~

Find me here:
#lunarlilac #beardeddragons

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