Lunchtime Chats ep 142: October 2023 Ring of fire eclipse/Solar eclipse Update

1 year ago

This week's #LunchtimeChats​​​​ topic notes:

2:12 Upcoming Ring of fire/solar eclipse; themes around the year; masculine/feminine healing; dragon consciousness teachings- reclamation & remembering cosmic creation; Oct eclipse is offering a direct portal/gateway access to know-thy-self consciousness; Nodes and eclipse in Aries & Libra influence currently- divine masculine
14:32 Timelines & malleability; optimal time to take back a harmonious timeline; powers that be and false timeline (Armageddon)- they try to steal our focus to avoid the affect of the mass consciousness awakening; natural planetary cycles calling for peace; 1987 harmonic convergence; 2003 harmonic concordance
20:18 Christina’s account of her thoughts during the convergence and concordance; polarities becoming extremes; ring of fire eclipse; ancestral work and forgiveness influence in this next wave; we are poised to make a difference in this eclipse and reclaim dragon consciousness
25:08 dragon dismemberment; seeing through the inorganic influences; Cosmic Mother
27:34 healing of divine masculine; polarities; importance of forgiveness in transforming the polarity of war to peace
31:58 reference to public comment about dragon; major events and its influence on grids; energetic places and interconnectedness in our healing
35:55 Narratives of ‘hive mind’; reference to bee hive; elementals and collective grids (organizing forces to consciousness); infiltration of grids and subconsciously influencing our behaviour
39:12 Christina’s account of Bosnia and grid infiltration
44:00 144,000 Starseeds; there was a lot more than that; reclaiming our sovereignty by focusing
46:33 reference to 2017 eclipse; incidents during that time; how matrix controllers take advantage of eclipse cycles; focus on what you want- pull in that timeline reality to you; this eclipse cycle will continue to snowball
51:15 encodements from the Sun to pass through the frequency of the moon; reinforcing your subconscious; reclamation of feminine cycles, womb space; concept of some folks shouldn’t be having children; challenges of birthing under disharmonic frequencies vs in harmony with spirit
55:58 nesting dolls of dragons; group gridwork and tapping into certain dragon frequencies; Christina’s reference to the word ‘highest’

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Lunchtime Chats is a weekly series by Lightbody Academy, where we personally guide others to unwind intuitive blind spots; bring healing and resolution to your lineage and ancestors; sharpen your inner compass and intuitive knowing; utilize dreamtime for personal healing and guidance; and cultivate an interconnected community around you.

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