Your Lying Eyes

1 year ago

Many thanks to Bobbie Anne Flower Cox of the Brownstone Foundation and Zero Hedge for alerting us to the latest, abusive Biden Administration tactics. To be fair, Joe Biden may well have forgotten that he ever forced Americans to receive those risky jabs during the recent epidemic. But he did. It’s all there on video tape.
Bobbie Cox points to lawsuits, news stories, videos, and social media posts all announcing the oppressive government COVID requirements during the days of lockdowns. But now, amnesia rules the day. The latest member of the Administration to jump on the bandwagon of revisionist history is OSHA Administrator Douglas Parker. Back in the day, he forced COVID shots on every American business with 100 or more employees. The only exceptions? Those submitting to mask use or onerous COVID testing. But, nope, Parker says it never happened.
Or how about the head of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra who claims there never were mask mandates.
It appears from here like the Biden Administration is trying to make you believe the last four years never happened so that they can get a chance to do it all over again.!/donation/checkout

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