FBI Targeting Orthodoxy?! ROC/Malankara Reunion? WWIII, & MORE w/ Fr. John Whiteford! AH Ep. 19 Free

1 year ago

👇🏻Listen to the full, uncensored 90 mins. HERE: https://worldwarnow.substack.com/p/fbi-targeting-orthodox-parishes-malankara#details

🔮☦️ Fr. John Whiteford, protopresbyter and rector of St. Jonah Orthodox Church in Spring Texas under ROCOR, joins us to discuss the latest propaganda from the Council on Foreign Relations about Orthodoxy in America, how to handle feds at your parish, the Malankara church leaders visit to Moscow and potential reunion with Orthodoxy, potential 2025 reunion between the EP and Rome, the Ludwell Orthodox Fellowship, evangelism in the south, Moldovan agrarianism, WWIII, and so much more!

🇺🇸☦️ Follow Fr. John on Twitter HERE: https://twitter.com/frjohnwhiteford
✒️⚡️And follow his blog HERE: https://fatherjohn.blogspot.com

🇺🇸🇷🇺☦️Don’t miss our interview with Abbot Tryphon about his spiritual father Blessed Dmitriy of Santa Rosa! This Aether Hour is ABSOLUTELY FREE so don’t miss it! HERE: https://worldwarnow.substack.com/p/aether-hour-ep-18-elder-dmitriy-of#details

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Conrad: https://twitter.com/GnomeRad
Dmitriy: https://twitter.com/OCanonist
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