Jeff Anderson | Restoring the American Main Street

1 year ago

From draconian COVID policies to the woke infiltration of our most vital institutions, the administrative state has destroyed the heart of democracy. President of The American Main Street Initiative, Dr. Jeff Anderson, joins Kevin to discuss why dissolving power away from the DC Swamp and restoring self-governance are crucial to stopping America's decline.

Jeffrey H. Anderson is the president of The American Main Street Initiative and served as the Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) at the U.S. Department of Justice (2017-2021).

Anderson earned a Ph.D. studying America’s founding principles at Claremont Graduate University. A former U.S. Air Force Academy professor, he served as the Senior Speechwriter to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, co-founded and ran a successful start-up (The 2017 Project), and was a Hudson Institute Senior Fellow before becoming the Director of BJS. A leader in the Obamacare debate, Jeff authored “The Winning Alternative to Obamacare.” He later developed “The Main Street Tax Plan” to promote economic growth, reduce the national debt, and benefit the median American.

Jeff also co-created the Anderson & Hester College Football Computer Rankings, which were part of the Bowl Championship Series throughout its 16-year run.

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