“Become the Righteousness of GOD”

1 year ago

Day 1 of Isaiah 61 Conference on Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance


Sessions: 9a-12:30p, 2-5p, 7-9:30p

Online or in person!

FREE Training on Spiritual Warfare.

Pastor Dave Bryan from Church of Glad Tidings in Yuba City, CA:

“Jesus didn’t die so that you would live a life of physical sickness, illness, weakness, depression, and of addiction …and all the kinds of things that can beat up on us. The package of redemption God has for us is way, way better than we have

Will you heed God’s calling to serve the KINGDOM OF LIGHT in a world of darkness?

Join Pastor Dave Bryan as he equips us with the FULL ARMOR OF GOD and trains us how to use the Tools God has given us!

*ISAIAH 61 CONFERENCE* 10/9/23 to 10/13/23
Conference on Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance
Online or In-Person

Explore the treasure trove of Pastor Dave’s messages on video from GT’s website https://churchofgladtidings.com/media

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