Delilah Bones and Yes SalmonElla Academy - Salty Cooking Tips

1 year ago

With thanks to Kanye West, a Tribe Called Red, the Boss DJ, HaluciNation in all its forms, Loreena MacKennitt, John Mellancamp, the Plain White Tees, Martina MacBride, Van Halen, Joe Walsh, Bones and the Detonators, the Salty Cracker, Benny Johnson, The Cult, The Toronto Blue Jays, Texas Rangers, Baltimore Orioles, Houston Astros, Minnesota Twins, Atlanta Braves, the PA Phillies and all the other Deplorables (esp. the Waterboys and SongSingers of all Stripes) who make the new narrative come to life.

Check our Scotty Films on Rumble for the latest political news set to their brand of music, which I often steal and rework for a different audience - with flashcards :0)

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