Elephant herd attempts to rescue baby from wallow

11 months ago

The video shows a herd of elephants, desperately trying in every way and mean to rescue a baby elephant stuck in a muddy wallow.

Not only are elephants the largest land mammals on this planet, they are also some of the most intelligent animals in the world. Elephants have complex and deep social structures that exist between herd members, who are all related. Elephants in family herds are always there to care for, help and protect each other in incredible ways. The video shows one of those incredible times in the African wild when a herd of elephants had to work together to rescue a baby elephant from a deep and slippery mud wallow. The baby elephant was enjoying a mud wallowing session with its family. The elephant herd all managed to get out the wallow easily after their cooling down session. One baby elephant remained behind, having a real tough time getting out. With the herd already moving on, the mother elephant realised that her baby was not going to get out by itself. The elephant herd came rushing back with loud trumpeting noises, signalling a stressful situation. While the herd gathered around, some individuals attempted to pull out the baby elephant by using their trunks. After several failed attempts, it almost looked like many of the herd members gave up and moved away, leaving the mother on her own. Incredible to see, the mother walked backwards towards the wallow and push out her hind leg towards the wallow, hoping that her struggling baby might just be able to grab onto her leg so she could pull it out in that manner. There was just no way the baby was even able to reach the back leg of its mother and the little elephant remained stuck. After the mother’s failed attempts, the herd quickly returned, sounding even more distressed. A few individuals tried again to pull out the baby using their trunks but still couldn’t succeed. After many different tactics of rescue did not work, one elephant decided to take another approach and get into the wallow itself. Soon others joined and with incredible teamwork, the elephants finally managed to push the baby from behind, up the slippery bank until it was safely back on dry ground. Incredible teamwork, dedication and smart thinking was shown by the elephants to save their youngest member of the herd. It turned out to be a happy ending for all and the elephant herd quickly moved on back into the bush.

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