From tears to silence! Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib cries for one, but stays silent for others!

11 months ago

In 2019, members of "the squad," including Rashida Tlaib and AOC, utilized their positions in Congress to prey on the emotions of many voters who were often ill-informed about the complexities of political issues. During a congressional hearing, they shed tears and shared impassioned speeches, exploiting the plight of children at the border and the emotional turmoil faced by families being separated under the American flag. This emotional manipulation, rather than rational discourse, became a disconcerting trend in their political approach, as they recognized the power of stirring emotions to sway public sentiment.

Fast forward to 2023, and the stark hypocrisy in their actions is undeniable. Rashida Tlaib's refusal to condemn violence against innocent women and children in Israel, coupled with her decision to hang a Palestinian flag outside her office immediately following the attack, has sent shockwaves across the nation. This blatant double standard exposes her unsuitability for public office. The American people deserve representatives who prioritize ethics over emotional manipulation. Tlaib's actions, from 2019 to 2023, are clear indicators that she should be censured and permanently disqualified from holding public office in the United States to protect the integrity of our government.

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