Altını çizerek ifade etmek isterim ki...

1 year ago

Altını çizerek ifade etmek isterim ki... Bölgeye kalıcı huzur ve barış ancak, meşruiyeti BM kararlarına dayanan, 1967 sınırlarınd...see more

I'd like to express it in gold... Permanent peace and tranquility can come to the region only with the establishment of an independent Palestinian state whose capital is East Jerusalem, whose legitimacy is based on UN decisions, based on 1967 borders and geographical integrity.

Seeking paths beyond this, pursuing beyond this passions only means more destruction, more tears and loss of lives.

We have not accepted and will not accept any step or savings that do not respect the privacy of Jerusalem, which contains the holy places of the three heavenly religions, and the status of the Harem Sharif, which Masjid-e-Aqsa.

It is only possible in this way that Israel can maintain its existence as a state and ensure the safety of its citizens.

Otherwise, just as the events since last Saturday will not end, much bigger tragedies will become inevitable.
We never wish Israel, Palestine, or our region to fall into such a vicious cycle.

May my Lord grant eternal peace, tranquility and prosperity to our country, region and the world.

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