AstroLee: October 2023 Eclipses. The Letting Go of an Old World Goes on Steroids. #astrology

1 year ago

Things tend to eclipse in and out of our lives in these eclipse periods, and this one lasts from the Full Moon on 29 September until the New Moon on 13 November

Saturday 14 October.
Annular Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse 21 Libra, conjunct the South Node, Pallas Athena and Mercury, square Pluto, opposite Eris and Chiron.
The letting go of dissonant relationships and art forms gets intensified. Peace talks and diplomacy with those on our frequency. Forging new alliances. Harmonising and balancing the give-and-take in relationships. Releasing old mental constructs: books, TV shows, etc. Processing old relationship programs. Litigation and other legal matters reach a turning point. Fearlessly telling our side of the story, though it may trigger others, with clarity and transparency. Sensitivities to communications can arise, through a delicate network on allies, so tread carefully.
This eclipse has an air of chaos around it. It is most visible in the Americas. from North America down to Brazil.
Releasing relationships and clearly seeing why you are doing this, or processing programs to live in more harmony with our connections.
Similar eclipses were on 13 October 2004, 3 October 1986 and 18 October 1967.

Saturday 28 October.
Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 5 Taurus, conjunct Jupiter, opposite Mercury and Mars, trine Lilith and Juno, sextile Vesta.
The last of a series of Taurus-Scorpio eclipses which have been on-going since 2021: how has your relationship with finances, self-worth and sharing resources shifted in this time period?
Finally dropping unhealthy eating and spending habits. Putting more chi into beneficial and inspirational areas. Things come to a head in the areas food intake, money, sex and resources - any lacks here, in our environment or at an emotional level, are keenly felt. Connections to our physical bodies are seen to have improved.
Mercury and Mars in Scorpio and opposing the full moon indicate news of transformative and powerful actions reach us, which Jupiter might blow out of all proportion so checking the facts would be wise.
Finally clearing residual poverty programs, such as around sharing, possessiveness, comfort and self-worth.
Saturn sextiles the eclipse from 0 Pisces, where the Lord of Structure is slowing to turn direct in November, and offers practical advice on how to respond to what arises at this eclipse.
Grounding ourselves, incarnating fully into our bodies, enhancing and expanding our income, managing our resources (assets, possessions, talents, etc.) more effectively, stopping over-doing or being dependent.
This full moon eclipse relates to things begun at the Solar Eclipse on 30 April 2022.
Previous similar lunar eclipses were on: 27 October 2004, 28 October 1986 and 29 October 1966.



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