The Breaking of the Second Seal - Laying the Foundation for WW3

1 year ago

Funkyprepper and Jason Breshears at Archaix chat about the Greek meaning of the biblical Second Seal and how it relates to events that are unfolding in the world today.

In this video you are going to learn what the Greek translation really says, and its not the same as the Heeb translation in the King James Bible.

Video: First Seal Broken...

Video: The Seven Seals...

FREE pdf chart & notes on Seven Seals video -


The Kalergi Plan...

The planned WW3 - see 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini and the coming Muslim war against the political Zionists. When Pike wrote about political Zionists he was referring to Christians,, ie, Christians worship a Jew and derive their spiritual beliefs from the Bible so by definition they support the Jewish vision of a homeland for Jews,, which makes them Zionists...

“For I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands and bring you into your own land” ~ Ezek.

“For I will restore them to their own land which I gave to their fathers” ~ Jer.

The Muslims and the nihilists are being imported into Western countries in order to fulfill the prophecy communicated by Albert Pike.

Pike's letter to Mazzini...

Our religions have been weaponized. By the same pseudo religious group that are weaponizing the nano.

How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered The West...

A Brief History Of The Kingdoms Of Israel And Judah...

Jesus Was Not A Jew...

The Jews were expelled from more than 1,000 countries...

The most famous of these expulsions was by Edward Longshanks in 1291.

Something else happened in 1291...

The Jews collated the KJV Bible from older texts, but only after they changed the original characters and authors names to Jewish names.

The KJV Bible was collated by John Knox and John Calvin, both of whom were Jews - so the KJV Bible is a Jewish publication.

"The result, in England, was the publication of translations starting with William Tyndale’s 1526 Bible and culminating in the so-called “Geneva Bible” completed by Calvinists whom Queen Mary had exiled to Switzerland"...

Calvin and thousands of other Jews had gathered in Switzerland in the 13th century after evading justice for crimes they had committed in a multitude of countries (the Jews commonly refer to these forced expulsions as "persecution"). From their base in Switzerland they would spearhead the Protestant Reformation movement which they used to divide catholic Europe against itself.

Pretending to be Protestants is how the Jews managed to introduce their pseudo KJV Bible into England in 1611.

Calvin the Jew was the leader of the Genevan Church & Academy which was responsible for translating and collating the Geneva Bible. The Geneva Bible eventually became the King James Bible. The Jews had been expelled from numerous countries due to Blood Libel and Usury charges and so they moved their monetary operations to Switzerland, where they flourish to this day in institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements(BIS). To counter the extreme antisemitism of the times the Jews formed various clandestine crypto social and religious movements, Protestantism being just one of them. This allowed them to operate undetected throughout Europe for centuries.

Short version...

Long version...

The catholic Jesuits were also founded by Jews so the centuries of bickering between the two religious factions is contrived. Divide and conquer...

The Judeo-Christian messianic timeline - same as the Freemasonic messianic timeline. Without Christianity and Islam, Judaism would die a quick death. Why the Jews need the other Abrahamic religions in order to bring in their New World Order...

The JWO File...



Donations, contact details, and Archaix book lists for further reading can be accessed via the original video...

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