China's Trust Dominance vs The Trust Divide in the United States

1 year ago

🌐 Explore the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report with Dr. Joe Ligato on The Joe Ligato Show! 🌐

Join Dr. Joe Ligato as he delves into the findings of the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report, a comprehensive study conducted across 28 countries with over 32,000 respondents. With 23 years of survey history, the insights are invaluable.

🔍 Discover the key forces behind societal polarization:
1️⃣ Economic anxieties: 24 out of 28 countries show all-time lows in optimism about family financial futures.
2️⃣ Institutional imbalance: Business is now seen as more competent and ethical than government.
3️⃣ Mass class divide: Income-based disparities create two distinct trust realities.
4️⃣ The Battle For Truth: An examination of information sources and media's role.

🌍 Understand why trust varies across countries, from China's high trust to Argentina's polarization.

🔑 Uncover why people trust business and NGOs more than government and media.

🤝 Explore trust at home and abroad, revealing divisions and polarizations in various countries.

Don't miss Part 2 for a deeper dive into this crucial topic! Your engagement and thoughts in the comments are highly appreciated. Remember to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more insightful content from The Joe Ligato Show!

📌 #TheJoeLigatoShow #TrustSurvey #GlobalTrust #EdelmanTrustBarometer #Polarization #EconomicAnxieties #InstitutionalImbalance #MassClassDivide #BattleForTruth #TrustInChina #TrustInGovernment #TrustInBusiness #TrustInMedia

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