Anrew Tate Embracing Individual Liberty Breaking Stereotypes

11 months ago

The video has an attention-grabbing hook as it immediately grabs the audience's attention by highlighting the speaker's popularity and attributing it to traditional masculinity. It maintains coherence by consistently addressing the speaker's fame and views on transgender issues. The video offers a complete discussion, creating a personal connection with the audience through the speaker's own experiences and beliefs. Additionally, the topic of traditional masculinity and transgender issues is timely and likely to resonate with viewers. Improvement could be made by including a call to action.
I said the reason I am so popular and I'm so famous is that there's a large contingent of men who don't want to wear makeup who still want to make money go to the gym be strong drive a fast car be traditionally masculine and don't want to be shamed for that and they don't want to be called toxic for that That is the reason I'm so massively famous That is what I said What do you think of transgender people It's nothing to do with me I'm not transgender and I don't understand the issue like they do Are you transphobic Do you consider yourself that Transphobic what afraid Well it kind of yeah I don't live in fear my friend I have no problem with it Do you have a dislike of transgender people I don't know any transgender people Do you have a dislike of what they stand for what they are No why would I I don't know That's not my issue That's not my issue And that's actually quite interesting because when I was attacked a lot of these stupid articles like BuzzFeed because it's ridiculous that whole that first point proves anyone with a brain knows that that's garbage When they attacked me they lump a whole bunch of things in together They say misogynistic racist transphobic They just put them all together at random I mixed race By the way I don't know where they get these they just get these buzzwords and put them in a sentence By the way I completely agree It's crazy And I've had the same thing done to me Okay let me go then And I'm not calling you anything I'm asking you what you personally believe you are It's not an issue I discuss What I do discuss is that- So you support transgender people I support individual

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