The Kuwaiti Incubator Hoax used to propagandize Americans into supporting war with Iraq (1990)

1 year ago

During times of war, it's important to be aware of War Propaganda. Let's look at an example.

Back in 1990, in order to justify attacking Iraq, a fake witness named Nayirah was brought in front of Congress. She told the world that the Iraqi military was "taking Kuwaiti babies out of incubators" and killing them in hospitals. "Human rights" NGOs like Amnesty International backed the story as being real. Congress didn't question it and charged into war with Iraq.

However, when Iraq was eventually defeated and the story could be legitimately investigated, it was proven as pure fiction. No babies were killed by Iraqi troops in hospitals like some kind of horror movie. The story was simply invented to make Americans more willing to accept a war that the establishment was already planning for. It also came out that 'Nayirah' was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States, a fact that was hidden until years after the damage was done.

“The girl’s testimony was actually orchestrated by the big public relations firm Hill & Knowlton on behalf of a client, the Kuwaiti-sponsored Citizens for a Free Kuwait. The client’s aim was to secure military support from the U.S. through raising awareness about the dangers posed to Kuwait by Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein.”— Source (

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