By investing in Communist China, the U.S. is funding the CCP to attack itself

1 year ago

10/11/2023 【Roy on Outside the Beltway @RealAmVoice】Roy Guo: The CCP is behind the Russia-Ukraine war and Hamas’ attack on Israel. Therefore, by investing in Communist China, the U.S. is funding the CCP to attack itself. The CCP is emboldened by the unstable situation in the U.S. With the presidential elections in Taiwan and the U.S. drawing closer, the CCP’s attack on Taiwan is inevitable!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/11/2023 【罗伊做客Outside the Beltway 节目】罗伊:俄乌战争和哈马斯攻打以色列的背后黑手就是中共,所以美国投资中共国就是在帮中共打自己;美国的内部不稳定将让中共胆大妄为;随着台湾和美国大选日益临近,中共攻打台湾不可避免!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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