CIA Bribed It's Own Covid-19 Origins Team

11 months ago

Wuhan Virus Actors Get Caught Quietly Covering Tracks

After a million dollar study on the discovery of new zoological animal viruses was quietly shut down in July this year and later revealed to the U.S. Senate, a whistleblower came forward testifying to the Senate committee on Covid origins that the CIA bribed it's own Covid-19 origins team to lie about the real origin of Covid.

if your of the belief that viruses don't exist then this would just be another part of the psyop to get you to keep taking the "vaccines". But if viruses do exist, despite the strange inability to isolate one, then this is priori evidence for prosecution for obstruction of Justice and at minimum, man slaughter at unprecedented scale.

A recent study found that the U.S. leads the world in gain of function research involving more than half of the 7000 Studies on either gain of function (GOF, 25%) or Loss of function (LOF, 46%) (29% both GOF and LOF) in existence since 2000. China is 2nd to the U.S. involved in 21% of these risky studies.

U.S. Shuts Down Risky Novel Animal Virus Research Program🔗

CIA Paid Officials to Bury Evidence of COVID Lab Leak Theory, Says Whistleblower🔗

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