How to French Braid

1 year ago

Besides their kisses and their fries, the French have also got a braid that's perfect for many occasions.

Step 1: Brush hair
Brush your hair until it's free of tangles.

Step 2: Separate into three sections
Separate the hair on the top of your head into three sections.

Step 3: Cross hair
Cross the right section over the middle section, and then cross the left section over the middle section, as you would with a regular braid.

Step 4: Add hair
Gather another small section of hair from the right side of your head into the right-hand section, and cross it over the middle section.

Keep the braid tight by pulling hair sections and keeping your hands close to the head.

Step 5: Add more hair
Add a small section of hair from the left side of your head into the left-hand section, and cross it over the middle section.

While gathering more hair with one hand, keep the three sections in your other hand.

Step 6: Repeat
Repeat, adding small sections one by one, until you have gathered all the hair into the braid.

Step 7: Finish braid
Once you reach the nape of the neck, finish braiding the length of the hair.

Step 8: Fasten
Fasten the end of the braid with a decorative band. Spray it with hairspray and show it off.

Did You Know?
Did you know? The London cast of Hairspray the musical used approximately 80 cans of hairspray a week.

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