You've Got To Be Happy Now. To Do It You Have To Let Go of The Sickness Now.

1 year ago

We've learned to experience curiosity as fear. We learned to experience awkwardness as prejudice. We've learned to experience mistakes as ineptitude. All of this has made sure to keep us locked in our little boxes.

We can't offend anyone, or have to worry about it, if we just hang out with people who are like us, or better yet lock ourselves in our little boxes and watch TV and news programs that reinforce our belief systems. Many of us don't even know our next door neighbors well enough to just drop over.

It is time to deal with the underlying feelings that keep us trapped and locked in boxes because the ones who use our fears and keep us distracted are continuing to our lives like foxes in charge of the chicken house. Peace, joy, clear sight, and faith in our own ability are our only keys to freedom. Let's go! What are we waiting for?

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