The Decade Of Scheduled Political Assassinations/Murders 1960 - 1970.

1 year ago

Movie Pi Faith In Chaos 1998. (216) 84

Knowing: 2009. (61.48.666.216)
Wikipedia number 216. It's a very shortened page by now it gets less and less.
Gives the game away. (In other fields, reduced)

I have shared this info numerous times in multiple formats for years since 2015.
Where are all the intelligent people who will put two and two together?

The LEAD up to President Obama's Kenya Trip.
2009 - 2015.

Barack Hussein Obama born 8.4.61 216th day of the year - 6x6x6 = 216

840 Days - JFK
2 Days 10 Months 6 Years - RFK
666 Days
216 Days
13 Days 18 Months - Malcolm X
8 Weeks 4 Days within 61 Days World Time Zones. MLK - RFK
40 Months 8 Days - Sam Cooke
8 Years 4 Months - Chairman Fred Hampton = Black panthers.
Film 2021. Judas and the Black Messiah. (Obama programming)

I know much more on this. Time will Tell.

23rd August 2019. Angel Has Fallen USA movie Release.

23rd August 2019. Biden talks MLK and RFK Deaths and gets people to question what would have happened in America in 2007/2008 if Obama had been Assassinated?

6 Years 6 Months 6 Days (666)
4 Years 8 Months + 13 Days 18 Months + 2 Days 16 Weeks
= 6 Years 6 Months 6 Days.

Google. The satanic temple of Detroit statue and the details surrounding it.
26th - 27th July 2015.

I hope people do their homework. I have been posting this stuff for so long and so many people can't/won't/acknowledge, see and hear or give a Damm to REAL absolute TRUTH.

Willful Ignorance will be very costly in the end. Time to get with the program.

These assassinations, these ritual Murders/Sacrifices made the path straight politically for the Man of Sin, Barack Hussein Obama to rise and take temporary dominion over the earth.

He the beast 666 man is just warming up...

Movie Split... Released on Trumps Inauguration Day. 20.1.2017.
Watch Trailers.

Movie shows.
Barry S...

The Beast is coming says the film. You bet ya...

Just as Nic Cage in the Movie Knowing 2009 has his fall off the chair moment with the Whiteboard realities you too can see and experience your moment of game changing self awakening.

Knowing. So much to unpack. Its the key to knowledge what's in plain sight in the film.

Couple that with Cages "Humanity Bureau" 2030 you should start to get the picture.

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