From: Jerusalem East Gate Foundation

1 year ago

🕊️ Shalom. Spent long fresh time with our LORD YHWH this morning. And am led to extend this message.

Please know that I am not taking sides with the 'powers-that-be' of Israel nor Hamas in this current conflict. Very likely, this conflict involves hidden agendas and dark alliances as history has repeatedly revealed and evidenced was the case in such atrocious and wide-impacting conflicts.

Rather and above all, my spirit and heart are ardently inclined towards the victims, both Israelis and Palestinians. Both Jews and Arabs. And others brought into harm and danger's way.

My prayers are intricately detailed within the theme that they be covered and for them to overcome by the merciful and mighty hand of YHVH, HE WHO promised to be GOD to the needy and to those offended by the wicked.

I can present many possible angles of plots and conspiring .. with several players on both and either sides, in a selection of evil agendas. But peace and not war, the way of the heart of CHRIST which is sublimely still yet sovereignly strong in what it has already won is the main mode, the core of my intercession.

But yes, in the intercession chamber, those plots and conspiring and their players will be, as YHWH leads, brought before HIS Sovereign Throne, submitted to HIS Wisdom and prevailing Hand. Without the rage and commotion that is of the enemy but with the way and victory of HIS Righteousness.

HIS winning compassion be upon the suffering men, women and children in Israel and Gaza and all other affected places. The FATHER loves them all.

Thank you for allowing me to share the occasional inputs, the little food-for-thought messages I send.

Shalom to all.

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