Mountains Pt 1 - Portals, Stargates, Liminal Spaces and Thin Places (CTDW Episode 20)

1 year ago

Many Christians in our modern age frequently synchronistically conflate the western materialist veil with the clear reality of thin places— found and expressed in other cultures’ texts; but also found very clearly in the Bible itself!
While this idea has gained more acceptance amongst those in the West in more recent years, it is often misguided and mixed with many other esoteric traditions and understandings.
Today we explore sacred mountains. Both those that are sacred to the Judeo-Christian religious worldview, as well as those that are not.
Mountains have long stood as a place to meet with the gods and the divine. This is true across all traditions. This, of course, makes perfect sense— mountains are the closest places on earth to the heavens. This proximity was the purpose of all Ziggurats, as well.
In today’s episode, we uncover some ideas and concepts around mountains and their importance to many cultures around the world in relation to the heavenly. This is the first part of 2 due to the quantity of information we discovered. Come find out why mountains hold so much significance to us even today on this episode of The Christian Theological Dark Web.

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