These Muscles Create FAKE Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

1 year ago

These four muscles can cause fake thoracic outlet syndrome if they develop trigger points.

1. Pectoralis Major - The pec major can cause trigger point pain in the shoulder, chest, down the inside arm, and all the way into your fingers.
2. Latissimus Dorsi & Teres Major - Both the lats and mini lats can not only cause pain on the inside arm and shoulder, but they can also limit mobility in the shoulder similar to TOS.
3. Subscapularis - When this muscle becomes tight and full of trigger points, it can cause pain and mobility issues similar to TOS.

If you want to get rid of these trigger points, make sure to massage each muscle for 2-5 minutes.

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Even though I am a professional this is still not medical advice. The content is intended to be educational only. If you are a patient, seek care from a health care professional.

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