The Leftovers: Predictive Programming Pointing to the Rapture on the October 14th Solar Eclipse

1 year ago

In the show "The Leftovers," the town of Mapleton is hit hard by the disappearance of many people on October 14th, leaving the town's inhabitants with many questions. Could this be predictive programming pointing us to what may happen in the real world?

Predictive programming is a term that's often used in the entertainment industry to influence people's views and to warn the public of the enemy's plans. In this video, I'm exploring the topic of the rapture and its possible connections to the show "The Leftovers." I'm also analyzing the implications of this popular TV show on the public's understanding of the rapture. Tune in to see what you think of the messages embedded in this show...

Whether you're a Christian or not, this upcoming eclipse is worth watching! If you are left behind, watch the other videos on this channel - especially the series on the harvest and temple models and their association with the First Resurrection for more information. By understanding the significance of this event, you can prepare for the rapture and increase your chances of being saved during the end of the world. Be sure to watch this video and learn everything you need to know about the October 14th annular solar eclipse!

A very important series about the Harvest and Temple model and how these relate to the First Resurrection mentioned in Revelation 20 can be viewed at the link below:

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#rapture #october14 #prophecy #tribulation #virgo #932 #bible #secret #knowledge #end #endgame #warzone #923 #239

predictive programming, rapture 2023, October 14, rapture, virgo, the rapture, the rapture date, 239 in media, the rapture, predictive programming, 14 October, October, the rapture, last days, end times, war, world war, albert pike, israel war, world war 3, 3 world wars,

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