Newspapers push unconfirmed reports in blatant pro-Israel bias.

1 year ago

The pushing of a harrowing story of alleged Hamas atrocity by a pro-Israel outlet is unconfirmed despite it making front page news.
Right, so several of the mainstream news outlets today are running front page stories on a truly appalling set of events. The Daily Express, the Metro, the Murdoch media, The I, The Independent, the Telegraph, the Mail, alleging that some 40 babies had been murdered by Hamas, including some of them having been beheaded. Here’s the problem with this though, and the really big problem with how our UK print media and TV media who are talking about it as well: None of this has been verified. Even the Israeli Defence Force, the IDF have not confirmed this story after apparently having been asked 3 times to do so. So why is it an unconfirmed, unverified report is being peddled as fact when it clearly hasn’t been proven? Just how chronically untrustworthy and awful do our press have to prove themselves to be once again, before more people start asking questions about what they’re being told and what exactly do we actually know in regards to these allegations?
Right, so it’s been on the news, it must be true, even when the reporter says the reports on these baby murders are unverified, it doesn’t matter, because just the mere fact it’s being talked about registers n a lot of people’s minds something must be true. That gets backed up when so many of our mainstream papers will carry that same story on their front pages as if it is irrefutable fact, thus hardening more people against Palestine, which is being deliberately conflated with Hamas, despite the two not being the same. For example our fascistic Home Secretary Suella Braverman looks set to criminalise the flying of Palestine flags, despite Hamas having their own flag, but let’s not worry about little details like that. Sticking with a Sky News theme, but scraping the barrel bottom all the more was the conduct of Kay Burley yesterday on the media narrative towards Palestine. She was interviewing the hapless James Cleverly, who has been falling over himself fawning over Israeli diplomats and pledging himself to an apartheid state, when Burley asked him: ‘What do you think about your opposite number David Lammy sharing a platform with the Palestinian ambassador who has basically said the Israeli’s had it coming? Would you share a platform with him?’ Talk about teeing up a Tory with an opportunity not only to attack Palestine but attack Labour too. An hour later Burley was interviewing Labour MP Stella Creasy and went from Zomlot ‘basically saying’ what she alleged, that Israel had it coming, to claiming it was what he actually said. Burley has been torn to shreds on social media over her conduct because that Palestinian Ambassador, Husam Zomlot, never said any such thing and in her typical arrogant, I’m a journalist you don’t know what you’re talking about, I do fashion, has been chipping back at those pointing out her dishonesty, notably Michael Walker and Aaron Bastani of Novara Media, who clearly touched a nerve.

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