On Behalf Of Your Strong Friends! Inauguration 2021!

1 year ago

Originally uploaded: January 20th, 2021

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/eSKh3kyV6nE

History was made today! YAYY Kamala & Joe.

On BEHALF of your strong friends. Check on your strong friends.
On BEHALF of your strong friends. Check on your strong friends
On BEHALF of your strong friends. Check on your strong friends
On BEHALF of your strong friends. Check on your strong friends
On BEHALF of your strong friends. Check on your strong friends
On BEHALF of your strong friends. Check on your strong friends
On BEHALF of your strong friends. Check on your strong friends

It's funny that this came up, because I've had Medium friends/real life friends bring this up over and over.


Just because your friend is strong, or you think they got it going on, they still would appreciate you checking in on them. If they don't open up to you, GIVE THEM TIME. After that, if they don't open up to you? THEY DON'T WANT TO. Don't get angry or upset that they don't want to tell you or if they don't open up the way you think they need to open up.

I can't speak for everyone, but everyone wants to know they are cared for in some way, shape or form.

Sure, vulnerability is a part of friendships. But you can never tell what experiences someone had with people. People grieve differently. Respect peoples' space and let them come to you if and when they want to.

Personal experience:

I've had people get angry at me because I didn't tell them things. Or tell me that they will always be there just to leave. I wasn't comfortable sharing with gossip queens and toxic people to keep this description short . It can be difficult to deal with things on my own, but it is what it is. Life is not easy. I play the deck of cards I'm given no matter what, and I don't complain no matter how bad it gets. Even during bad circumstances, I find things to be grateful for.

I'm not asking you to be a mind reader. All of us are human at the end of the day. For some people, just being there without pressuring them to open up is the best thing you can do. Let your strong friends know that you care for them.

You can never tell what someone is going through, so be kind.




Bless those who don't pressure you to tell them things you're uncomfortable with sharing.

My friends, it will be a journey finding someone/people who take the time to understand. Someone who will be there without pressuring you. If you notice they don't reach out to you during difficult times, or deaths, but reach out to other people you know? It's time to find new friends.

Maybe as a kid, your mom told you to not tell ANYONE about your home situation. Maybe you're a kid now and dealing with a hard circumstance, and it matures you. Maybe you're an adult and you had to be Teflon your whole life. Just maybe you been betrayed and let down a lot and your new/current friends you with just don't get it.

Tell people that you don't like having things thrown at you because you are strong. Don't let people pile things on you. Remind people you're not cold and heartless, even if it appears that way to the outside. You might hide a lot of pain behind your smile and they have no earthly idea what you are dealing with.

It might appear that you do have it going on, and you "got it all together." What people forget is everyone has problems that come up and the unexpected can happen, no matter how good it seems. You too, are just human.

If you decide you do want to open up, maybe you find out that your current group of friends isn't the best people to talk to about those sort of thing(s) (trust me I understand you on this part if it's your situation). IN THAT CASE and if you are willing and comfortable seek help or keep going until you find a friend you can trust.

There's friends for you out there if you want them. It might take a sec to find them but once you do, you will finally figure out why it didn't work out with anyone else.

You don't know me from Adam, but I'm a great keeper of secrets.

Connect With Me:

Tik Tok: Dinnerrollgirl

Facebook: Alesha "Silky Slick" Peterson

Twitter: aleshapeterson

Instagram: aleshampeterson


Medium: https://medium.com/@aleshapeterson


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