Men Need To Be Heard Show (Ep:32) The "Silver Bullet" of Divorce and The Repercussions for Men

1 year ago

This week we're discussion false allegations, more commonly known as "The Silver Bullet" in divorce which are used by one party to gain leverage and control in a divorce.

The "Silver Bullet" is a common tactic whereby one party seeks a Temporary Order of Protection (TRO) or Protection From Abuse (PFA) from the court, which is then used to remove the other party from the residence.

These orders are almost always issues ex-parte without the accused person being given the opportunity to defend themselves. In fact they don't usually don't even know the order has been issued until the Police show up to the residence to serve the order and evict the accused.

I'm joined by Ulysses "Butch" Slaughter who recently shared a viral video on TikTok of him being served one such order. Ulysses talks about his shock at finding out that an order had been issued, his experience with the police officers who served the order, his experiences as he then had to defend himself and why it has lead him to being a staunch advocate in speaking out about these situations.

Ulysses discusses his shock at finding out an order had been issued, the struggles he's going through mentally, physically and emotionally as he defended himself (and ultimately was proven innocent) from the allegations and how he has been fortunate to have friends and family stand by him and support him, something many men don't have.

You can follow Ulysses and his story on Tik Tok:

or on his website:

To see the viral video you can click here:

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