29 Things That Exist Only in Japan

1 year ago

There are a lot of countries that are famous all over the world for some peculiarities. Japan is, probably one of the most exotic ones. It is known as the Land of the Rising Sun, but it could also be called the Land of singing toilets, the country of the blue traffic light, or the country of vending machines.

Really, Japan is a unique country, different from the rest of the world. Japanese farmers grow square watermelons, people park and lock their umbrella before going inside a building and there’s a whole chain of restaurants all over the country where they serve only canned food. In short, there are so many things that make Japan a whole other world. Get ready to explore!

Square watermelons 0:17
Ramen noodles bath 0:35
Bizzare flavors of Kit-kat 0:58
Fake food 1:17
Rabbit island 1:36
Purikura machines 1:53
People pushers 2:22
Umbrella parking lot 2:42
Millions of vending machines 3:00
Tokyo's biggest resident 3:23
Train delays make headlines 3:50
“Silent” Karaoke 4:16
Polite slurping 4:34
Face napkins 4:54
Water-saving sinks 5:13
Strange mayo 5:35
Naps at work 5:55
World’s shortest escalator 6:14
Canned food restaurant 6:32
Doll village 6:53
No 4’s 7:16
Blue traffic light 7:35
Cleaning classes 8:00
Footbath train 8:18
Futuristic toilets 8:41
Crazy ice-cream flavors 9:04
Space-saving parking lots 9:21
Robot-run hotel 9:33
Café companion 9:59

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