Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 10-11-23: The Israel Conspiracy

1 year ago

Conspiracies are everywhere. We have them in America. They are certainly abounding throughout the world. The latest to see fruition is what is happening in Israel. To my consternation, it appears as if the conspiracies surrounding Israel are greater than I had foreseen. Because of how I view world events through the prophetic lens of Scripture, I anticipated that the war currently underway with Hamas had to happen at some point in these treacherous days. What I didn’t expect was that a conspiracy within Israel itself – within its own government – would play an integral role in the events that are unfolding before our very eyes.

The question I immediately posed upon the advent of these hostilities was – given their extreme nature: Is this the beginning of the Psalm 83 War? It made no sense to me that it would be the Ezekiel 38 War, a.k.a. the War of Gog of Magog. Hamas isn’t in any way a member of the coalition attacking Israel in that major, prophetic conflict. The conspirators in that extremely significant war are Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others – none of which directly border or inhabit Israel.

Hamas is the enemy within. As I’ve continued to say: if Hezbollah joins the fray along with other combatants from Israel’s neighboring hostile states, it certainly seems like we’ve got a match for the Psalm 83 War. To date, we’ve got some participation from Hezbollah as they fire a limited number of missiles at Israel. Will they join this war as a full-fledged active partner with Hamas? If so, the prophetic significance is huge.

The disturbing and confusing aspect of all this is the absolute unpreparedness of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). That makes no sense unless there’s a lot more going on conspiratorially than certainly I expected.

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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